Sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide and leads to other health issues. Typically treated with surgery or masks and hoses, it’s a damaging condition with an involved treatment. However, there is an FDA-approved, non-surgical solution for treating obstructive sleep apnea without masks and hoses.
It is characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, which can lead to various health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stroke.
If you or a loved one is struggling with sleep apnea, the Vivos treatment protocol may be the solution.
So let’s take a closer look at this.
What is the Vivos treatment protocol?
The VIVOS system is the first FDA-cleared oral appliance that is clinically proven to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The treatment protocol combines the non-surgical Vivos system approach for treating sleep apnea and snoring, along with a custom breathing wellness program.
What is the Vivos system?
The Vivos system is a non-surgical treatment option for sleep apnea.
It is a custom-made oral appliance worn during sleep to help keep the airway open. The device is designed to gently reposition the lower jaw, tongue, and soft palate to prevent them from collapsing and blocking the airway.
This allows for normal breathing during sleep and can eliminate the need for a CPAP machine.
What are the benefits of the Vivos system?
- Non-surgical treatment option
- Custom-fit for maximum comfort
- Easy to wear and use
- Can eliminate the need for a CPAP machine
- Can improve sleep quality and overall health
How does Vivos works?
Vivos uses a daytime-nighttime appliance (DNA) system to apply gentle pressure to the palate, gradually expanding it to correct maxillary hypoplasia or protruding jaw.
It may also involve using a mandibular repositioning nighttime appliance (mRNA) to train the lower jaw to rest in its proper position.
Together, the DNA and mRNA remodel and/or reposition the jawbone so that it no longer affects the upper airway.
After you finish your treatment with the Vivos system, you should be able to sleep soundly every night.
A custom breathing wellness program is included.
Dr. Santana-Paine uses the Vivos Treatment Protocol consisting of a custom breathing wellness program and oral appliance that helps maintain proper airflow while you sleep.
A custom breathing wellness program may be beneficial for individuals with sleep apnea as it can help to improve breathing patterns and reduce the number of interruptions in breathing during sleep.
Breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and paced breathing can help to increase lung capacity and improve the overall function of the respiratory system.
A custom breathing wellness program may also include lifestyle changes such as weight management and avoiding alcohol and smoking, which can also help alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea.
The treatment process.
Your journey will begin with an in-depth medical consultation and some diagnostic tests.
These tests may include a home sleep study, a head and neck examination, and more.
If you are a candidate for Vivos, you’ll wear your custom oral appliances as instructed by Dr. Santana-Paine. On average, Vivos treatment lasts for 12 – 24 months.
You’ll visit Dr. Santana-Paine periodically throughout that period so she can adjust your appliances and monitor your progress.
To discover more about Biorejouvination (jaw and bite alignment) and sleep apnea, call us today.
- Call us at (603) 610-8765
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We’re located in Portsmouth, NH, and welcome all patients from surrounding communities, including the Seacoast towns of Rye, Greenland, Stratham, Exeter, Newcastle, Dover, Durham, Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton, and our neighboring states, Maine and Massachusetts.